Ice Flyers Future Service Dog With Canine Companions Enters Professional Training
(Pensacola, FL) – A week before Christmas in 2021, the Ice Flyers brought in a new addition to their team. This addition didn’t come with skates but instead came with fluffy ears and a calm demeanor. The future service dog, Ranger, instantly became a locker room presence and staple at the Pensacola Bay Center during games.
“Ranger was an amazing addition to the Ice Flyers family and he instantly became dearly loved by our fans, our players and our staff,” stated Ice Flyers owner, Greg Harris. “He was so incredible with the fans throughout his initial training and socializing, and he helped educate so many people about Canine Companions and a service dog’s vital necessity. He was and will always be the first Ice Flyers puppy, and we cannot wait to see how he changes the life of someone in need. He changed all of ours.”
Through the national non-profit organization Canine Companions, Ranger was raised and socialized by long-time volunteer puppy raisers LeAnne Pickering and Weston Cramer. A year and a half later on May 12, 2023, he was one of 32 puppies coming back from being raised by volunteer puppy raisers to Canine Companions. Ranger is now in professional training being trained by Canine Companions trainer Sarah Crabtree, who has trained 3 groups of dogs before getting Ranger’s group.
The professional training enhances his tasks he learned with his puppy raisers such as using his nose to push open doors, retrieving dropped objects off the ground, and tugging open heavy doors. His training will last around six months before he potentially finds his perfect match in an adult, child, or veteran with disability. All free of charge to his potential match.
The Ice Flyers, with Pickering and Cramer, are already planning their next puppy and are looking forward to continuing their partnership with Canine Companions.
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