Pensacola Ice Flyers

The Pensacola Ice Flyers are honored to give back to the community that cheers them on. Each season, many local non-profit organizations benefit financially and gain further awareness through the various platforms the Ice Flyers have. These include theme nights, specialty-branded jerseys, donation drives, and fundraising through selling tickets, working the merchandise booths, and selling Chuck-A-Pucks.
Community Initiative Night focuses on a local non-profit, raising money through jersey auctions, raffles, and ticket fundraisers, and raising awareness through advertising, in-game commercials, and facts about the organization. The Ice Flyers chose Autism Pensacola as the beneficiary for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 seasons. For 2021-22 and 2022-23, the beneficiary the team chose is Big Brother Big Sisters of Northwest Florida.

$25,229 RAISED

$16,156 RAISED

$23,386 RAISED
In January 2022, the newest member of the Ice Flyers was introduced. His name is Ranger, and he is the official Ice Flyers puppy and future service dog with Canine Companions. With the help of Ranger, the Ice Flyers have raised money and awareness of the Canine Companions organization and the importance of service dogs for those in need of them through jersey auction fundraisers, in-game videos, and a special theme night called Canine Companions Night. At the end of the 2021-22 season, the Ice Flyers presented a check for $10,000 to LeAnne Pickering and Weston Cramer, Ranger’s volunteer puppy raisers.
Read more about Ranger here, follow his progress on our social media pages here, and visit for more information.
The Pensacola Ice Flyers hockey team has created multiple avenues for which Pensacola 501(c)3 organizations can raise money at their games. Through a ticket fundraiser, the Ice Flyers will donate up to $5 per ticket sold by the non-profit back to them. Organizations also can staff all of the Ice Flyers merchandise booths. Here, the team donates money back to them for each game, but they also can accept donations so Ice Flyers fans can provide them with a cash donation or add $1, $5, or $10 to their merchandise transaction. Local organizations also have the chance to sell stacks of foam pucks for the fan-favorite Chuck-A-Puck contest. A percentage of the sales is donated to the non-profit that works the Chuck-A-Puck tables.
The Ice Flyers’ annual teddy bear toss sees thousands of bears tossed onto the ice after the Ice Flyers score their first goal of the game.
Autism Pensacola
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida
Pensacola Humane Society
Pensacola Jr. Ice Flyers
Boy Scouts of America
Girl Scouts
Add any other scout groups we have supported
Gulf Coast Kids House
Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart
The Secret Place
United Way
Manna Food Pantries
Waterfront Rescue Mission