Pensacola Ice Flyers Shake Things Up and Rebrand As Bushwackers
(Pensacola, FL.) – The Pensacola Ice Flyers unveiled a new primary and secondary logo, along with a new color scheme and jersey set as part of their upcoming rebrand night promotion on Saturday, March 11. With the help of the Ice Flyers Mascot, Maverick, the team revealed their new identity Monday afternoon: The Pensacola Bushwackers. Fans can be rest assured that the team will go back to their original branding after the game is over.
“Rebrand nights are a great way to have some fun and give something fresh and different to our fans to experience,” said marketing director Brenden Arney. “We didn’t want to just randomly pick a name; we wanted our new identity to be something that everyone who visits or lives in Pensacola knows about.”

Laguna’s Beach Bar, Flounders Chowder House, Crabs on the Beach, Bamboo Willies, Juana’s Pagodas & Sailors’ Grill, and The Sandshaker are involved in the fun and currently selling bushwackers in branded cups promoting the rebrand.

Fans will be able to purchase replica jerseys and other Bushwacker merchandise at the game, with a live auction after and online auction over the weekend for game worn jerseys.
Learn about how The Bushwacker became Pensacola’s Official Drink